Clinical Data Intelligence

Enhance data quality to improve patient care

We all make decisions based on the information that we have available to us. Increasingly, due to the sharing of patient care, decisions are made on information that others have recorded.

We need to trust information to make the best decisions, we need to pro-actively monitor and manage the data, to unlock the value of the information.

Clinical Data Intelligence (CDI) sits alongside your GP clinical system, it has the capability to analyse data for each patient and identify actionable information that makes a difference to patient outcomes. For example, CDI can infer gaps in patient data or identify overdue interventions.

CDI takes a new approach from alternative products and delivers a process along with prioritised actionable data sets for a range of scenarios of interest to GP’s, PCN’s and CCG’s.

What makes CDI unique is its ability to deal with each patient as an individual and look across multiple axes of care.

  • It’s about enhancing the quality of data that we use to make decisions
  • It’s about Identifying risk for individuals and across patient populations
  • It’s about maximising the appropriateness of care
  • It’s about proactively optimising healthcare processes

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Your data is amazing…let us show you how

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Quickly review patient data

Designed to cut to the chase, patient data can be quickly and efficiently reviewed in simple grids for filtering and sorting. Results for a single patient can be viewed as a set or individually providing a holistic view of the patient.

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Ranked Results

Many systems provide multiple result lists for each analysis performed. CDI is different, and ranks the results to provide an effective and efficient review process.

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Doing more for less

CDI cuts down the time that you need to identify data quality issues.

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Complex Analytics

CDI supports complex analytics based on its understanding of SNOMED CT, NHS dm+d as well as other relevant clinical terminologies. For each patient, rules are resolved and individualised evidence is created to provide a complete summary back to the user.

Clinical Architecture provides the following:

Data Quality – a set of analytics associated with health data quality improvement for all major chronic diseases including diabetes and heart disease. These resolve on the presence of key indicator codes and/or medications to find patients who do not have the associated qualifying diagnosis codes.

Diabetes Care – provides a set of analytics associated with the 9 Processes of Care for Diabetes to identify patients that may need interventions.

Safeguarding Adults and Children – provides a set of analytics associated with Safeguarding Adults and Children to ensure that safeguarding registers are maintained, and these patients are correctly identified in the GP clinical system.

Consultancy and Services

We are able to provide a number of consultancy days from our trained data experts to ensure you quickly realise the benefits of correcting poor data.

Please get in contact to find out more.

Let’s Begin

If you would like an informal call to discuss supporting you in data benefits realisation, please call us on +44 (0)1837 657666 or provide your details and one of our consultants will arrange to call you.

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