NHS Trusts

Digital processes – and the critical data they produce – are at the heart of many NHS Trust day-to-day operations.

The joint and inter-dependent imperatives of medical efficacy and technological capability must co-exist seamlessly in order to deliver positive outcomes for patients AND staff.

And clinical terminology technologies have a key role to play.

  • It’s about capturing and recording clinical data at the point of care.
  • It’s about managing local code systems, SNOMED CT and refsets.
  • It’s about speeding-up implementation and adoption aligned to national NHS objectives.
  • It’s about supporting more accurate reporting of ICD-10 and OPCS-4 classification codes to ensure appropriate financial reimbursement.

Our proven solutions include:

  • Clinical Terminology Strategy Development – From EPR to labs: developing and optimizing your clinical data approach to improve understanding across all stakeholders. Maximising the benefit of SNOMED CT with implementation support of post-implementation reviews.
  • Legacy system migration – Helping IT and clinical leaders migrate data during upgrades and system relocations.
  • Business Intelligence – Supporting Trusts to leverage analytics tools that present the right data, drive actionable insights, reduce inefficiency and improve patient outcomes.
  • Mapping automation & machine learning – Helping organisations achieve operational efficiency by intelligently automating internal processes.
  • Data Capture – Consistently capture coded data to help clinicians deliver better patient outcomes.

Your data is amazing…let us show you how.

Let’s Begin

If you would like an informal call to discuss supporting you in data benefits realisation, please call us on +44 (0)1837 657666 or provide your details and one of our consultants will arrange to call you.

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